Show notes – S01E09 John Lesku
- Where the magic happens – The Lesku Lab
- A video of sleeping ostriches
- A collection of videos of sleeping animals
- Crocodiles sleep with one eye open – where Metallica and sleep ecophysiology meet
- Future Nobel Prize winner James Krueger with a popular rendition of the science of sleep
- The home page of future Nobel Prize winners Chiara Cirelli and Giulio Tononi
- Paul’s homepage at UQ
- Many moons ago (so long ago the original link is gone), Science at the Local cofounder Hamish Clarke wrote a feature article for Cosmos Magazine on the ins and outs of viruses
- Incredible search results for the bacteriophage virus – look at these and tell me they are not aliens
- Old interview with Paul about his work on Koala viruses
- Shari’s page at UTS
- Information about the UTS Body Donation Program
- SMH article about AFTER, the forensic facility recently opened (don’t call it a body farm though!)
- Piece on ABC’s AM program about Shari and AFTER
- The Open Source Malaria home. The OSM’s current series is on triazolopyrozine.
- The 6 Laws of open source research. I think it’s pretty cool that they’ve come up with these. Reader, what are your laws?
- Of course, the OSM is also on facebook and twitter. Go forth, interact!
- Speaking of interacting, you can do so with Alice at twitter or on the radio, Tuesday mornings at 8:15
- Michaela’s home page at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment
- All about the Koala Microbiome Project
- A nice little primer (it’s a pun, you’ll see) of the Polymerase Chain Reaction a.k.a. PCR
- Aaron’s desert ecology research group (fancy a trip to the desert? You can volunteer!)
- Aaron’s personal page. He writes, takes amazing photos… what a guy!
- Aaron’s group has a facebook page and yes of course, it is called Ratcatchers
- Aaron spoke about the Bush Heritage group, take a gander at Science in the desert’ themed articles.
- Two videos, one from an exhibition celebrating 20 years of the research group’s work and the other from a community information event.
- René’s homepage at the Max Planck Institute
- Article about René’s paper on looking for aliens looking for us
- All about the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (that’s the spacecraft, not the deceased pioneering astronomer)
- Exomoons article by Aussie astronomer Bryan Gaensler